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  • Virtual
  • 2021-03-20 13:01 to 2021-03-21 13:01

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10th Istanbul Pre-Moot


2021-03-20 13:01 to 2021-03-21 13:01
March 20, 2021


10th Istanbul Pre-Moot


2021-03-20 13:01 to 2021-03-21 13:01
March 20, 2021


Official Name: 10th Istanbul Pre-Moot

Date: 20-21 March 2021
Location: virtual
Registration: No Registration Fee. For registration please send an email to
Further information: We are happy to welcome the teams to the 10th Istanbul Pre-Moot. Until today, we have been organising this pre-moot for teams from Turkey – however, with an increasing desire to make it international. This year, the unprecedented circumstances made our dream possible. Accordingly, we invite teams from abroad as well as from Turkey. Please note that due to technical infrastructure, we have to limit the number of teams with 20. If we receive more than 20 applications, we will need to determine the teams by way of a ballot – so no broken hearts please 🙂 Hurry up and send us an email!