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  • 2023-03-04 0:00 to 2023-03-05 0:00

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14th Warsaw Pre-Moot

2023-03-04 0:00 to 2023-03-05 0:00
March 4, 2023


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14th Warsaw Pre-Moot

2023-03-04 0:00 to 2023-03-05 0:00
March 4, 2023


Official Name:14th Warsaw Pre-Moot
Date: 4 – 5 March 2023
Location: Warsaw, Poland (in-person)
Registration: Teams that would like to participate are invited to fill in the registration form by no later than 12 February 2023. Registration form is available here. Please note that the capacity of the pre-moot is limited. Your registration will be approved with an email confirmation.
Further information: the 14th Warsaw Pre-Moot will be preceded by a conference “Discretion or Randomness: Arbitrators’ Decision Making Framework” and an evening event taking place on 3rd March (Friday). If you have any questions concerning the 14th Warsaw Pre-Moot or if you would like to register as an arbitrator please do not hesitate to contact us at