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  • 2023-03-03 0:00 to 2023-03-05 0:00

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4th Dublin Vis Pre-Moot

2023-03-03 0:00 to 2023-03-05 0:00
March 3, 2023


4th Dublin Vis Pre-Moot

2023-03-03 0:00 to 2023-03-05 0:00
March 3, 2023

  • Official Name of Pre-Moot: 4th Dublin Vis Pre-Moot
  • Date: 3rd-5th March 2023
  • Location: In-person in Dublin, Ireland
  • Registration:
For interested teams, please email Megan Fanning at
Please outline the following information:
  1. Name of University/law school
  2. Email you would like correspondence sent to
  3. Name of contact person
  4. Are you participating in the Vis, Vis East, or both?
  5. Would your attending coaches be available to act as arbitrator(s)?
  6. Have you participated at the Dublin Vis Pre-Moot before?
  7. Confirm you understand the event will only be held in-person and that the team will be able to travel to Dublin

For arbitrators, please email Megan Fanning at and outline the following:

  1. Name
  2. Email you would like correspondence sent to
  3. Phone number (include country code)
  4. Nationality
  5. Profession
  6. Vis Moot experience (team member / coach / arbitrator)
  7. Brief overview of professional experience
  • Further information

The Dublin Vis Pre-Moot is free to register for teams. However, you will be expected to cover your own travel, accommodation and any other costs associated with attending the Pre-Moot.

Please note that emailing the required information does not guarantee your participation in the competition. We will notify teams by the end of 2022 (if not sooner) of their participation.

For arbitrators, please note that currently we cannot cover any travel or accommodation costs. Thus, note that any travel to Dublin will be at your own expense. If you require a letter confirming your participation for visa purposes, please contact Megan at the above email.