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  • 2025-02-08 0:00 to 2025-02-09 0:00

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XI. Brno Pre-moot

2025-02-08 0:00 to 2025-02-09 0:00
February 8, 2025


XI. Brno Pre-moot

2025-02-08 0:00 to 2025-02-09 0:00
February 8, 2025


Official Name of Pre-Moot: XI. Brno Pre-moot

Date: 8.2 (9:00 -18:00) and 9.2. (9:00-14:00)

Location: Law Faculty, Masaryk University, Veveří 70, Brno, Czech Republic


Further Information: Deadline for registration: 12.1.2025