The MAA is excited to announce the “Generations in Arbitration Conference: Hong Kong Legal Week Edition”, which will take place on 3 November 2021!
This special edition of the GIA will feature two panels comprised of distinguished, internationally renowned individuals, speaking on key topics in international arbitration.
The first panel: “Why Strong Legal and Judicial Systems Strengthen (Rather than Weaken) International Arbitration” consists of Ms. Melody Chan, Mr. Joseph Chu, Ambassador (R.) David Huebner, and Ms. Amy Klaesner and Ms. Joanne Lau.
The second panel: “Second Bite at the Apple: Is Public Policy Really only a Last Line of Defence?” showcases Dr. Lisa Beisteiner, Mr. Simon Chapman, Dr. Patricia Shaughnessy, Mr. Baiju Vasani and Ms. Sherlin Tung.
Although this edition of the GIA is an official part of Hong Kong Legal Week 2021, it is being offered in hybrid form to allow participation from an audience worldwide! Details are provided in the enclosed flyer.
Sign up today by registering with the following links:
Panel 1 –
Panel 2 –
For details about Hong Kong Legal Week 2021, please access the following link:
We look forward to seeing you (whether in person or virtually)!
#MAA #generationsinarbitration #conference #internationalarbitration #hklegalweek
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